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One of a kind
crystal finds.
love &


"Acantha Crystals came to me at a time in my life when I put my faith in alternative methods of healing my own chronic illnesses and mental health. Since then, the power and wisdom of the Universe has had my back in all of the best possible ways."
The name Acantha (ah-kan-tha) comes from Greek Mythology, and is a Goddess whom I found to be particularly interesting when searching for an ethereal name. Acantha was a nymph loved by the God Apollo, but whom rejected and scratched him, and was thus transformed into a plant with spiky leaves.

Ethically Sourced
Not all crystals are made the same. Or rather, their crystalline makeup and growth is, but the way that they are mined, polished, by whom, in what conditions and for what amount vary immensely.
At Acantha Crystals we are proud to say that we know exactly where our crystals come from and that those mining them are paid a fair wage and work under safe conditions. Most of our suppliers are small, family businesses living in beautiful places like Brazil and the pictured Himalayan Mountains in India.
This means that you can have confidence in the fact that our crystals have the most ethereal, light energy and are full of nothing but loving vibrations.
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